
How to Get High-Powered Warriors in Chibi Warriors

Dear players,

Do you know that you can get high-powered Warriors likeZuo Ci or Zhuge Liang from the Dungeon Treasure event? Join it now! And get precious warriors and items! The highest floor you go the better prizes you get!

【Tips】Collect 10 Warrior War Souls and combine into one powerful Warrior.

Don't miss out these amazing events! See you in the game: http://chibiwarriors.37.com/


A very happy Father's day to all of you out there today!

Today is Father's Day! Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!

play games on 37Games: www.37.com


Tomorrow is Father’s Day! Don’t forget to show your love to your father.

The meaning of FATHER:
"A"lways there

Play games on 37Games: www.37.com


How to Get A New Battle Partner Greedy Dragon in Dragon Atlas

The time has almost come to get Your New Battle Partner Greedy Dragon Mammon in Dragon Atlas! You can exchange Greedy Dragon Mammon when the number of your Greedy Dragon Core reaches 130. Greedy Dragon Core can be obtained from certain events from June 12-18th. Here is how to get Greedy Dragon Core in Dragon Atlas:

You can only get the Core from the Greedy Dragon Box, this Box can be obatined from:

1. Logging in daily

2. Limited Sale (Spend 1M gold to get 1 box, 5 box at max per day)

3. World Boss Event (Play World Boss each day)

4. Babel Event (Get certain points in Babel each day)

Also, you can spend 50 diamonds to buy one box, 100 boxes at max per day.

‪Collect Greedy Dragon Core now: http://dragonatlas.37.com/